To add some resources -

That "magic space" is so huge you could drive a tractor trailer through it. Start here: Deconstructing Analysis Techniques - by @docbaty, provides a decent overview
There are an additional 4 or 5 articles.

Then move on over to Jon Kolko's "Exposing the Magic of DesignL A Practitioner's Guide to the Methods and Theory of Synthesis"

And just for fun, read Michael Beurittes article in Design Observer and read Michael Bierut's "This Is My Process"

If you need complete books dedicated to the magic box - there are some of those - though a bit more academic and written for the ID crowd, but still good - one I personall love is
LeCompte's Analyzing and Interpreting Ethnographic Data


~ will

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and what you innovate are design problems"

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On Feb 2, 2010, at 4:24 PM, Dan Saffer wrote:

On Feb 2, 2010, at 12:28 AM, Daniel Szuc wrote:

There is a "magic place" that exists between user research
(speaking with your users & stakeholders), taking all that goodness
and designing the product with that in mind and speaking to it.

Often, user research can fall into a chasm because there is no up
front thought put into how it can translate into the design.

So what has worked well for you?

I address this a lot in Designing for Interaction 2 (mostly because it was a gross omission in the 1st edition).

The steps are pretty simple, although hard to execute well:

- Put research data on the walls (make it physical)
- Manipulate the now-physical data and make them into Conceptual Models (personas are one kind of perceptual model) - Ideate based on the conceptual models, particularly around pain points and opportunities uncovered in research - Create design principles based on what is known from research, plus the best ideas from concepting


Dan Saffer
Principal, Kicker Studio
@odannyboy on Twitter

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