Hi Everyone:

I have been asked a couple times "what is this code sprint you keep talking about" :-)

A code sprint is usually organized by a group that is using an open source project and wants to see something done. They fly the developers to a single location and feed them for a couple of days with the necessities of the hacking life (internet, caffeine, electricity). The communication that happens from face to face hacking usually lasts the project for a year or more. You see this a lot in projects like Drupal etc...

That is my informal definition :-)

Here is what the foss4g2007 site says:
An aprés-conference "Code Sprint", where project teams get together for valuable face-to-face planning and concentrated programming time.

If you or your project is interested contact me (or better yet add yourself to the FOSS4G wiki page on the subject):
- http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/FOSS4G2007_CodeSprint

So far we got:
- GeoTools
- GDAL / Mapserver
- GeoNetwork / Metadata Madness - looks to be cross project - cool!

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