I am going to kick off a general discussion with a story, one that I would like to see prevented ...

You arrive at FOSS4G and are really looking forward to showing off your new (Web, KML, mashup, gvSig, PostGis, OpenLayer, MapServer, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, 3D, .... or even DB2 and Oracle). And the question is asked:

Can you show me the "ntdb_roads_50" layer?

Why are you being asked this?

Well it is because the fellow in front of you is wanting to see how well your software performs, and the last two projects had the same dataset (and darn if gvSig was not nearly as fast as ArcView) and he would really like to see your project handle the same information.

For more information please bother my friend [EMAIL PROTECTED] and visit the following page:
- http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/FOSS4G2007_IntegrationShowcase

Remember if you don't download this data, and put it on your laptop before the conference, you will just be trying to figure out what this stuff is (and how to make your application look good with it) at the conference.

PS. I am really hoping that anyone good at MapServer will take a run at the problem.
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