Jody Garnett wrote:
Open Office supports a set of Doc Book styles right now ... not sure I understand what you are looking for.
Thanks for your thoughts. I tried playing around with the default DocBook styles but they seemed pretty limited and from what I could tell their style names didn't map to the DocBook tag names so I had a tough time making sense of it. This could of course be a user limitation - I need to give it another look. The other thing is that I haven't been able to find OpenOffice DocBook templates that support the newer DocBook 5.0 standard. I suppose we can write guidelines on how to use the existing template but I was hoping there was something better out there.
I have used DocBook before to make online help (according to the eclipse writing guidelines). I used a tool called XMLMind which was pretty scary but good once you got into it.
I use XMLMind and like it a lot. The issue for some folks is that it isn't open source.
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