Hi everyone,
We've probably all heard of the typical business models for open source companies, but I'm working on a few slides for a presentation that highlight the benefit of open source for employees - and would love to hear from some of you.

I have some personal examples where open source made me a more valuable employee, and how other colleagues who were into open source were considered invaluable. I also believe the many employers who value open source are able to attract talented staff that "traditional" or "proprietary" employers cannot.

Do you have a story about how embracing open source geospatial applications helped broaden the opportunities for your future or helped you bust out of a mundane box? Maybe you learned on your own time and brought your new skills into the office? I'm particularly interested in your personal stories about how open source may have motivated you to grow, learn and extend your career or professional set of tools.

Anyone want to share?

Best wishes,
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