On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 05:53:16AM +0100, Lester Caine wrote:
> >You must not mean a "M$" Office Open XML document since it is of course 
> >and open standard.  *shrug* 
> Well since M$ do not have any software that actually produces OOXML 
> documents yet .... At least not to the format submitted to ISO ;)
> The main problem THERE of cause is that ISO standards are not free and open 
> anyway. HOW much does a copy cost :)

Well, free-as-in-speech does not have to imply free-as-in-beer.
Also, some ISO standards *are* available gratis/free (such as WMS, 
which also is both libre/free and gratis/free available from OGC);
I can usually find gratis/free versions of ISO "open standards" 
by searching the web for the DIS (draft) version, and my rights to
implement and discuss them remains gratis/free.

Whether the ISO approach is appropriate or successful - either at
helping businesses or promoting "best practise" - is definitely
another, awkward question :) 

Another problem here is talking as if we agree on what a "free and open"
standard is. Even http://www.digistan.org/open-standard:definition
does not clearly, to my reading, differentiate between libre/free and
gratis/free. http://blog.okfn.org/2008/05/14/dispatches-from-digistan/
elaborates on this and on their idea of "openness metrics", and on a
draft "open format definition" which some OSGeo members have
contributed to - though clearly Digistan's plans go a lot further than
formats. As for "force and exclude", the Digistan definition does not
go much further than the European Commission have already gone, cf

The question then becomes more one about decision-making and planning
processes for "non-profit organisations", and how to build models that
will prevent inter-organisation "stewards" from tending to serve their own
interests rather than those of wider business and technical communities.
Cool, OSGeo has collectively to think about this as well!

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