George Silva wrote:
Hello lists,

As you can i see im mailing this message to some lists around the web (im sorry if thats a problem).

At the moment i am writing my BSc thesis (Geography) focusing the development of a open source software and database for logging and analysing traffic accidents in Uberlândia, MG - Brazil.

I am dedicating a chapter in my thesis to explaining Open Source Software, and OSS for GIS. i searched the web for some history of OSS in general, but i found too many different sources. So i come to you, developers of GIS OSS, to see if you can give me references of where to search for the history and process regarding this theme.


Here is number of "keywords" related to history of FOSS4G
and that you may google for and find details:

- Sol Katz
- Map Overlay and Statistical System (MOSS)
- GRASS History (
- UMP MapServer history

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot,
Charter Member of OSGeo,
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