I think you could achieve this with an openmoko, TangoGPS and gvSIG - no laptop 
required. Which if you're really going to be pedalling sounds a better option 
than a laptop.

Cycle tested: http://blogs.thehumanjourney.net/finds/entry/20080826

And a keyboard option: http://blogs.thehumanjourney.net/finds/entry/20080716



----- "RAVI KUMAR" <ravivundava...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> need an online (live) input from GPS into GIS.
> Wish to map state of roads in a town, 
> 1. pedaling all along with a laptop connected to a GPS.
> 2. Take notes at bad stretches of roads by keying attribute
> information.
> 3. Want the GIS data ready after the field work for upload into a
> server.
> Have tried some that, could use only for Off-Line data
> input into GIS, that is 
>                  a. Go around with the GPS, collect data and scribble
> notes
>                  b. Connect GPS to GIS and download data, and add
> attribute 
>                     information scribbled earlier.
> ThanQ in anticipation
> Ravi Kumar
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