
Thought this might be of interest to many of you. I was asked to be guest editor for the geospatial edition of the Open Source Business Resource monthly journal.

A big thank you to Paul Ramsey, Tyler Mitchell, Mark Lucas, Scott Bortman, Andrew Ross, Haris Kurtagic and Geoff Zeiss for their contributions to this effort. Some excellent papers that provide a great perspective on the OSGeo world.

You can follow the links in the announcement to go to the website, or you can get the PDF directly here:



Dave McIlhagga

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dru Lavigne <d...@osbr.ca>
Date: March 2, 2009 1:31:49 PM GMT-05:00
To: Dru Lavigne <d...@osbr.ca>
Subject: March Issue of OSBR Available


The March issue of the Open Source Business Resource is now available in HTML and PDF formats at http://www.osbr.ca/ojs/index.php/osbr/issue/view/83 . The theme this month is "Geospatial" and the articles and authors include:

Paul Ramsay, a Senior Consultant with OpenGeo, examines how geospatial open source provides an example of the market challenges of a mid-sized vertical

Tyler Mitchell, Executive Director of the Open Source Geospatial
Foundation, discusses the factors needed to get open source geospatial
products into the hands of users, the value of marketing open source
projects, and the advantages provided by an open source ecoystem.

Mark Lucas, a principal scientist at RadiantBlue Technologies Inc., and
Scott Bortman, system architect and primary developer for the OMAR web
processing system, introduce the OMAR web based system for archival,
retrieval, processing, and distribution of geospatial assets.

Andrew Ross, a Director within the Engineering team at Ingres, provides a primer on geospatial technology and discusses some of the lessons learned
from Ingres' geospatial open source project.

Haris Kurtagic, General Manager and Founder of SL-King, and Geoff Zeiss, Director of Technology at Autodesk, introduce a standards-based framework
for providing geospatial web services.

The editorial theme for the upcoming April issue of the OSBR is "Open APIs" and the guest editor will be Michael Weiss from Carleton University. Contact
me if you're interested in a submission.

Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Dru Lavigne
Editor, Open Source Business Resource
Open Source Business Resource

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