Hi all,

Last december, I asked about on the UserMap refresh rates but did not get any answer so far (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:UserMap_Documentation ). The UserMap still seems not fully updated: months after I added the position information to my userpage, I don't show up on the map. Maybe I did something wrong, but I think I followed the instructions from the documentation page correctly.

Any clues?


Alexandre Leroux, M.Sc., Ing.
Environnement Canada / Environment Canada
Centre météorologique canadien / Canadian Meteorological Centre
Section de la réponse aux urgences environnementales /
Environmental Emergency Response Section

On 03/04/09 07:20, Christian Willmes wrote:

I asked on the webcom list for help on improving the OSGeo wiki usermap
(see forwarded mail).
To reach all of the community who may interested in helping me with this
move, I also post it here now.

As said in the forwarded mail, I will appreciate any kind of feedback
and suggestions for improvement of the usermap. :-)

Best regards,


Re: [Webcom] Usermap SVN and improvement
Arnulf Christl <arnulf.chri...@wheregroup.com>
Wed, 04 Mar 2009 12:21:22 +0100
Web committee discussions <web...@lists.osgeo.org>, c.will...@uni-koeln.de

Web committee discussions <web...@lists.osgeo.org>, c.will...@uni-koeln.de

thanks for your help and you should not belittle what you have done. It is definitely more than we had before. :-) I am not sure whether this list is the best to make this announcement, maybe you should try the main Discuss list. Further stuff can be discussed here for the time being but many on Discuss are not subscribed here or even aware of this list.
Best regards, Arnulf.
Christian Willmes wrote:
Hi folks,

I felt like setting up an SVN-Repository for the OSGeoUsermap [1] [2],
because I think the map is not "really" a state of the art OS Webmaping
application (at least from its appearance).
Considering that OSGeo is to a large degree all about webmaping, I think
it would be good to have a state of the art or even better usermap
So I ask if anybody is willing to help me to improve that app.
I am happy about any kind of help, may it be suggestions for improvement
at all or programming something cool.

The repository is reachable here: http://svn.christian-willmes.de/usermap

Anybody who is willing to work on this can contact me to get write
access to the repository.

Its just a starting point for opensourcing it. ;-) I would have no
problem to put the code repository on an "official" osgeo server with a
trac wiki and so for further development.

In the moment it is a very small app, we can build something entirely
new within the borders of the mediawiki parser hooks, and the existing
user postgis table.

So! I would appreciate any kind of feedback and suggestions for
improvement and of course programming effort if somebody is willing to.
Don't hesitate to punish me for my terrible programming practice... I
know it, and because of this we can only improve it, it can't get worse
from here. ;-)

best regards,

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/UserMap_Documentation
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:OSGeo_Member
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