Hi All,

If any of you are planning to attend GISRUK 2009, please find details of the 
Ordnance Survey Geospatial Mashup Challenge session 
http://www.ceg.ncl.ac.uk/gisruk2009/mashup.htm . The session is scheduled to 
take place on 3rd April Friday from 1400-1440.

Presentations scheduled for OS Mashup session:

# OS OpenSpace  Introduction presentation- Andy Radburn ,Ordnance Survey
# Community Maps -  Claire Ellul , Louise Francis , Mordechai(Muki) Haklay, UCL 
# Cultures of Legibility Web Map - William A. Mackaness, Vlad Tanasescu, The 
University of Edinburgh 
# User Adaptive Trip Planner -Ramya Venkateswaran, Pia Bereuter, University of 
# Contextualising Educational Careers for Widening Participation in Higher 
Education -Singleton, A.D., O'Brien,O. , CASA, UCL 
# The Social Marketing Tool - Jessica Wardlaw , Dr Foster Intelligence 
# Point data in mashups:moving away from pushpins in maps -Aidan Slingsby, 
Jason Dykes, Jo Wood, giCentre, City University London 
# UCL Campus Route Finder - Joel Dearden ,CASA, UCL 
# UWeather - A Web Portal for your Weather Data -Eike Hinderk Jürrens, Arne 
Bröring, Simon Jirka, Sidi Benmoh, University of Muenster, Institute for 
Geoinformatics (IfGI)
# Historical GIS 2.0: The Marr Map of Manchester -O'Brien, O., Singleton, A.D., 

Format of the session:

The participants will have 3 minutes each to present the mashup application 
developed to the audience and judges. There will be internet connection 
provided in the presentation room, to enable presenters to show live demos if 
they choose. 

The best geospatial mashup application developed will be selected by a panel of 
5 judges who will all be known experts in geospatial science. The best mashup 
will be awarded an Ordnance Survey prize of £100 of Amazon vouchers.

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand

Dr Suchith Anand
Centre for Geospatial Science
Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
Tel: (0)115 846 8408

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