There was a report produced by the USGS in 1988 that might be of some use: "A process for evaluating Geographic Information Systems" USGS Open-File Report 88-105 A djvu file of the report can be downloaded at

There are also some comparison tables prepared by Stefan Steiniger in 2008 available at:

All the best,


Jody Garnett wrote:
Okay that is a good call. There was a table comparing different
desktop systems released a while back - perhaps that could be a
starting point?


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 6:01 PM, andrea antonello
<> wrote:
Hi Jody,
you are right, but I would like to involve power users in code sprints
as well. They get usually bored in all the moments they have to wait
for a fix to test.
I think a tester/power user in the sprint would have more fun in doing
something more autonomous.

But, yeah, it seems you are not the only one thinking like that, since
there has been no feedback.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Jody Garnett <> wrote:
Hi Andrea:

That may be a good topic for a BOF session; I would recommend the code
sprint stays focused on you know ... coding :-)


On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 6:48 PM, andrea antonello
<> wrote:
Hi all, but mainly QGis-sers and gvSig-gers (I am now speaking as uDig-ger).
In Italy in November we have our annual GFOSS conference and this year
we proposed a workshop in which desktop GIS are compared.
So what should happen, is that we create a list of tasks that then are
shown/compared on every GIS during the workshop, in order to highlight
the strenghts of every GIS and hide the weaknesses behind the
availability of other possibilities.
At the Italian conference QGis/grass, gvSig/sextante and
uDig/JGrass/Axios will be put into the game, which is why I mainly
address those groups now, but obviously others are welcome.

I would really love to give this thing a ride before the November
conference, since it is a first try for me. Therefore I was wondering
if some QGis and GvSIG poweruser would be available during the
Saturday codesprint for comparison on some tasks together with the
uDig team.

That said, I would love to hear from anyone what he would like to see
tested in such a comparison, browsing from the easiest line creation
to the most particular and odd reprojection.
For that I just opened a small subsection in the uDig code sprint
Feel free to add whatever comes to your mind.

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