Bob Basques wrote:

The reason i asked about the stability of the WMS links in the wiki, was I was thinking about setting up a GeoMoose interface for the WMS calls for each layer, combining that with Firebug would give some good real (world network speed) information metrics for users, either during and/or after the compitition, BTW, how much/many of the services will stay inplace after the fact? Might be useful during the thing as well.



I'm glad you responded. What I forgot to mention is that as we perform tests, we shut down the other mapping servers (right now I believe Arc Server is being tweaked so Apache/MapServer and GeoServer are down). Also, if you start using those links for your own tests then our numbers will be off (if you hit MapServer while we benchmark, then GeoServer and ArcServer numbers will not be comparable).


Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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