> Hi all,
> A friend of mine at a medium-sized IT company in Japan needs to convince
> his
> company management and finances to invest in FOSS4G technologies
> over the next 5 years. The company presently does a small part of
> its business using FOSS4G tools but is wondering if it should take
> a deeper plunge into the FOSS4G world.
> In order to convince the company management and finance departments, they
> need
> to produce a document with concrete data about *how companies elsewhere in
> the world
> are profiting, growing, increasing market share and the kind of clients
> that they are catering to*. Even company brochures, financial reports
> etc. would help.
> The company also wants to consider marketing broad based services for
> SDI using FOSS4G technologies and would like to know market potential
> in other countries and region for SDI related services.
> Since a part of my Master thesis deals with business models for
> FOSS4G, I find their situation interesting and would like to help
> them to take a deeper plunge into the FOSS4G world. In order to help
> prepare a brief report for them including some statistical information
> about few of the bigger players in FOSS4G business.
> It would be great if some of the business leaders in the OSGeo community
> could
> provide me with inputs for the report. Your input will not only
> help me convince them that FOSS4G is worth it
> (I am already convinced, but need some data to support my
> claim) but also help me to understand the business models better.
> If you want to keep your inputs confidential, you are welcome
> to contact me off-list (daniele.ocuATgmail.com). Names, names of companies
> will be kept
> confidential (just call them company A,B,C etc) in the final report. Once
> the report is ready
> It will be shared it as an open document under appropriate
> CC license, if that is desired.
> The report needs to be ready in three weeks, I look forward
> for the inputs.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards
> Daniele
> --
> Researcher @ Osaka City University
> Graduate School for Creative Cities
> http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/gistrends
> "My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my
> life there."
> — Charles F. Kettering
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working from there I have recently published draft versions of two new
papers (and weeks ago promised you to send the links) detailing Open
Source Business processes [1] and the other showing the needs that lead to
the formation of OSGeo [2]. They are more general in tone and do not give
explicit examples but maybe are a good introduction. Hope this helps.

Best regards,

[1] http://arnulf.us/Open_Source_Business_Models
[2] http://arnulf.us/History_and_Mission_of_OSGeo

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo

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