FYI - if you need an excuse to go to Vancouver, submit your abstracts
for GeoWeb this week.  Several OSGeo friends are usually there.


July 26-30 · Vancouver, B.C. Canada ·

GeoWeb 2010 Conference Submission Deadline
Abstracts are Due this Friday (March 12th)

Want to be in the Program? Time is Running Out!
The deadline is fast approaching. Abstracts can be submitted online no
later than 4pm PST Friday, March 12th. The emphasis for GeoWeb 2010 is
Going Real Time. GeoWeb is about the technologies for information
sharing and collaboration respecting events and activities in the real
world. It is about designing our world and reacting to the changes in
the world around us. It is about managing our way in the world using the
best information about the current and probable future state(s) of the

All submissions must include a title, theme, a detail abstract (<200
words) and a short description (<75 words). Presentation sessions will
be 35 minutes in length. Workshops will be 3 hours in length and should
focus on a key technology or standard.

Presenters will be chosen based on a formal selection process led by the
2010 GeoWeb Planning Committee and will be notified of the status of
their submission by March 25, 2010. Please note that all approved
presenters will be provided with a 25% discount on the registration fee
but are responsible for their own travel and expenses.

To learn more about GeoWeb, the details for the Call for Submissions,
please visit Questions can be directed to James

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