
Ok, this is all going to sound a bit "heavy" (to use your words), but in the 
end you'll have a lot more flexibilty with the end toolset. 

I would suggest loading the SHP file data into a Database, Mysql would work, 
but POSTGIS would be better.  Then source that Spatial data via MapServer and 
use in any of a number of image clients. I'm partial to GeoMoose, but 
Openlayers would work too. 

Looks like you are tracking farm field tractor locations, by entering things 
into a Database from the start, over the long haul you'll be able to add in 
things like temporal reporting as more and more data becomes available.  This 
is where the up front heaviness will pay off. 


>>> Peter <> wrote:

Hi Guys and Girls,

After an embarrassingly protracted google session, im not doing so well. What i 
need is to turn a shapefile (from a trimble device) into a png as part of a web 

Ideally it would be the simplist lightest tool/s that can do the job, bearing 
in mind that im working in php/mysql.

I found a script which did the whole thing in php (jjfmapper) which functions 
except development has stopped, and it doesnt support the version of shapefile 
i have. (jjfmapper reports it to be type 768)

The GDAL/OGR library is reported to do conversions of shapefiles to mysql. 
Would need to add on the png rendering using GD2.  Im sure i dont need to 
reinvent that.

And theres something called mapserver which seems to be a complete service.  
Sounds heavy.

The shapefile concerned contains a moderate number of simple polylines. Ideally 
the end result would be a png, a world file, and/or going further, being able 
to overlay the png over an aerial photo or png basemap.

If your'e interested a sample shapefile is here:

with the desired result here:

Appreciate any pointers.


Peter Scott

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