On Sat, 2010-09-11 at 02:01 +0200, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Dear Ladies,
> During the conference, Athina shared her impression about
> gender mix in the board of directors.
> I thoroughly support Athina's opinion it would be beneficial for the
> foundation if some women could make it to the board.
> Thus, I'd like to send out some bits of encouragement to you ladies.
> Please, stand out!

Hi Mateusz, all,

[I cc discuss list to broaden the audience]

thanks for encouraging the participation of women in OSGeo!

Lot of thoughts and live discussions took place at the conference, and I
had a chat with Helena about her perception of gender bias. In the US,
she feels that women are no more a minority in the computer science
field. It is not the same in other parts of the world, however, and
that's something that OSGeo, as US-based foundation, has to consider.
Athina and me also discussed about how women presence is uneven
regarding the profile, i.e. coders, managers, sysadmins etc, so it is
risky to generalise.

Lots of women attended the conference, and honestly I didn't expect it,
so it was a very pleasant surprise :)
I'd be interested in the women percentage in workshops, presentations,
guests, and so on, and of course, in direct feedback from them.

That said, I join Mateusz and Athina in encouraging all women to show
up :)

> Best regards,

best regards

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