Hi Folks,

I have been with DM Solutions Group since 2000 in various capacities.  
Throughout that time I have been involved with a number of Open Source 
technologies (Geospatial or otherwise), in one form or another, including:


In the early 2000s I started out in application development.  This is where I 
gained my knowledge and understanding of how Open Source Geospatial 
technologies and communities worked.  As the needs of the company evolved so 
too did my role with the technology and its developers.  I eventually found 
myself as Product Manager for DMSG's various offerings.  In this capacity I 
have opportunity to help drive Open Source technology from the requirements of 
our product while still maintaining close ties to the community.

A few years back I helped Tyler work on the OSGeo Journal when it started out.  
I also helped organize the 2004 Ottawa FOSS4G (well, the MapServer Users 
Meeting & Open Source Geospatial Conference) and took part in OMSUG (both prior 
to and leading in to OSGeo) and then the OSGeo Ottawa Chapter.  I very much 
enjoyed working with the teams involved.  After a brief hiatus from a volunteer 
perspective to help tend to the newest member of my family I am once again in a 
position to actively engage the OSGeo community and help out where I can with 
the skills and knowledge I have gained throughout the years.

Best regards
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