Dear All,

As part of OSGIS 2011   held 
by Centre for Geospatial Science,  University of Nottingham, OSGeo and OGC will 
be hosting an Interoperability Day on June 21, 2011 to help teach and highlight 
the complimentary roles of open source software and OGC open standards. The day 
will be focused on OSGeo software and our approaches to interoperability using 
OGC specs. Some presentations will be followed by hands-on workshops. Tyler 
Mitchell (OSGeo) is coordinating this event and the tentative agenda is now 
posted at

Best wishes,


PS: OSGIS 2011 abstracts submission deadline is 28 February 2011

Dr Suchith Anand
Centre for Geospatial Science
The Nottingham Geospatial Building
University of Nottingham  NG7 2 TU
Tel: (0)115 82 32750

Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data research for 
bridging the digital divide

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