
There are existing global databases of surface water boundaries, water quality, DEMs, etc. In some cases more than one. Those could be one starting point - license permitting. The other would of course be OSM itself, which already contains surface water features. Adding a possibility for all to add data like temperature, water level, water quality etc. would be interesting. I've seen such attempts, as far as I remember they have used Google maps or Bing maps. In fact, Microsoft may have been more active in this particular area.


On 05/28/2011 04:51 AM, Charlie Schweik wrote:

I find myself wondering if there is a possibility of starting an "open stream map" project in a similar way to open street map? With the idea that this might be connected to an invasive plant species effort too...

It is an interesting idea -- roads are relatively stable. Streams have additional attributes, like water levels.

Any reactions or ideas on how this might be started?

Charlie Schweik

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