Here's a tutorial for OpenLayers WFS-T Using a GeoServer Hosted PostGIS Layer.

"A WFS-Transaction can be used to add, remove or modify the features
that are loaded, and most importantly allows for the changes to be
committed back and saved to the parent source."


On 8/3/11, Nitin Gadia <> wrote:
> I just had a good conversation with Tyler Mitchell at OSGeo.
> I am going to dive in and set up a server with openlayers and try different
> tools for the server layer.
> What I need is something that deals well with WFS-T and WMS-T.
> WFS-T is for adding and editing features, and WMS-T is for requesting maps
> with a time component.
> Noli Sicad above gave a great overview article about WMS-T, which mapserver
> has developed and geoserver is working on:
> I am going to do some research into WFS-T.
> Any thoughts?
> Looks like geoserver and mapserver handle that, as well as geomajas,
> deegree, mapfish, and others.
> I'm going to dive right in and set up both mapserver (perhaps using
> geomoose) and geoserver\
> I'll be needing help setting it all up, so I'll probably be asking the
> individual mailing lists for help with that along the way.
> ... and by the way, there's a good chance I will attend FOSS4G, perhaps I
> can talk to people there and attend a related workshop.
> Any thoughts about what components should be used, and the advantages and
> disadvantages of each?
> Nitin
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Nitin Gadia <> wrote:
>> fantastic!!
>> thanks!
>> Hopefully they will become part of the team :)
>> This is just for countries - imagine every road, city, ethnic and
>> linguistic group, the flow of trade, events such as battles and wars,
>> etc...
>> and animated...
>> There is so much out there, it all needs to kind of put together.
>> nitin
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Wladimir Szczerban
>> <>wrote:
>>> Hi Nitin,
>>> Maybe you can contact those who made this map.
>>> Perhaps you can get some collaboration.
>>> Bolo
>>> 2011/8/1 Nitin Gadia <>
>>>> Great!!
>>>> So, I went forward and started a page on the OSGeo Wiki around the
>>>> project:
>>>> *Does anyone else know of any other open polygon mapping effort or
>>>> tools?
>>>> *It is very important that the full breadth of the efforts are
>>>> inventoried before i/we go forward with this.*
>>>> *
>>>> So far we have:
>>>> *Openlayers
>>>> *Open Moose (uses openlayers)
>>>> WMS-T:
>>>> *MapServer
>>>> *GeoSolutions
>>>> There is also:
>>>> *Geocommons
>>>> *click2map
>>>> Anything else??
>>>> Feel free to respond here or write on the wiki page :)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Nitin
>>>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Noli Sicad <> wrote:
>>>>> > Someone also told me you can do polygons in openstreetmap (parking
>>>>> lots,
>>>>> > buildings, etc.). Does anyone know how to do this? I can't seem to be
>>>>> able
>>>>> > to figure it out...
>>>>> Vector editing in OpenLayers (i.e. drawing points, lines and polygons).
>>>>> You can use OSM as your basemap for the editing.
>>>>> You need Geoserver and/or Mapserver for the timeline with OpenLayers.
>>>>> WMS-T Support in Geoserver and Mapserver
>>>>> Noli
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