Couple thoughts to add....

1. since the individual OSGeo projects don't have dedicated exhibit booths at 
the conference, might be nice if there is a listing at the OSGeo booth of any 
of the projects' major developers, steering committee members and other 'heavy 
hitters' who are at the conference so other people can track them down..  where 
that's not already easy to figure out by examining the list of presenters and 
workshop instructors.

2. with a number of different people staffing the booth over the three days, 
and each probably trucking their own laptops in and out for demos, what's a 
good way to have some continuity in terms of what demos are available, no 
matter who happens to be at the booth at the moment?

Robert H.

Hi all,

Just a quick note to mention that OSGeo will have a grand size booth space at 
FOSS4G, with lots of space for meeting friends, old and new.  The Booth ends up 
being the goto place for finding others in the community.

I've got some marketing material to hand out and show off, but that won't be 
much help without some hands to hand it out :)

This is an invite to all members to join the team running the booth.  Can you 
talk to new potential users, show off some applications (even your own work!) 
that use OSGeo software, or just generally smile and be friendly?  Then you are 
uniquely qualified!

It's the face-to-face marketing collaboration opportunity for 2011 - sign up at:

Let me know if you have questions!

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