
I did something similar to this a couple of years ago (for fun of all things) 
where I parsed a Craigslist listing, and used the city location information (I 
used a Census Placename SHP file I think) to plot a location for each item for 
sale on a map.  The plan at the time was to mapify Craigslist and be able to do 
geo-filtered queries.  I gotrlb.sharedgeo.o it to work, but got onto other 
things and never went back to it. 

I used PERL, and as I recall, it wasn't that long of a script, maybe 50 lines 
or so.  I can look for the code if there is interest. 


>>> Stephen Woodbridge <> wrote:

Here are some more links that you might find useful.

I can not find a potentially excelent reference that was done by about 5
years ago by maybe a GSoC student that I think then hired on with
Google, but the basically he wrote a document parser that looked for
location references in the text and then tagged the document with
locations and lat/longs. If I remember correctly it as a gazetteer based
system and it is open source and was online somewhere also.


On 1/13/2012 6:00 PM, slesage wrote:
> Hi,
> does anybody knows about some opensource software dedicated to automatic
> geocoding of text documents ? The idea of that "black box" would be:
> * give, as an input, a text document or a PDF,
> * receive, as an output, a list of place names with their coordinates /
> a map of POI corresponding to that places.
> Using the geonames database (, the solution
> appears to be only a fulltext search, that could be done using Lucene
> (
> I found the metacarta solution
> ( but couldn't
> find any opensource solution.
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Sylvain Lesage.
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