Thought I'd broadcast this to the OSGeo community.  Please feel free to contact 
Jenn if you think you can help.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jenn Gold <>
> Subject: Back in Afghanistan
> Date: January 18, 2012 6:21:39 AM EST
> To:
> Hey Mark,
> Happy belated New Years! I hope you are well and that the holiday's were good 
> to you. Rachel, Juan and I are back in Afghanistan for another round with 
> some exciting news. We won a contract with Internews to help coordinate the 
> first Innovation Lab in Afghanistan. It's in Kabul next week. We are 
> responsible for documenting the event and  organizing media coverage.
> In a nutshell the Lab is a 3 day event bringing together local and 
> international IT experts, geeks, students, Ministry officials and funders to 
> discuss Afghanistan's IT development AND educate Afghans on using technology 
> to create social change. There are countless countries that are struggling 
> through civil war, poverty and lack of education who have been using basic 
> ICT's to improve their situations; we are bringing those lessons to the lab 
> to give the Afghan's new ideas and encouragement (I could go off on a 
> tangent, but I'll restrain myself).
> And probably most exciting is we have been asked by Internews to speak on our 
> SMS projects that we completed with agriculture and health. We are very 
> excited and I hope it will lead to funding opportunities.
> With that being said, we've contacted a slew of media outlets, but we want to 
> reach more. I'm going to include the links to our Twitter feed and Facebook 
> page - if you have either accounts could you please advertise our website - 
> or circulate it via email :)
>!/search/KabulLab - use @kabulinnovationlab
> Rachel, Juan and I really appreciate your help and support. We hope you are 
> doing well. Take care and keep in touch, tell us what you are up to and how 
> you are doing!
> Jenn

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