That's great news Paul

The UK team are bubbling with excitement and send our commiserations to our 
Finnish friends.

I think our dates are carved in stone as 17th to 21st September 2013 but I want 
to double check with the venue before confirming that.

We will get our team into gear in the next week or so and start that dialogue 
with you over the budget. Will you be assigning a board member to liaise with 

Thank you to all the selection group for your confidence in us



Steven Feldman
On 18 Jun 2012, at 15:12, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> Conference Committee, Bidders,
> Good morning (PDT). The results have been tabulated, and every member
> of the committee has voted (yay).
> Many thanks to both teams for bidding. Many of the members commented
> on the difficulty in selecting a bid, given the quality and attention
> to detail in both bids.
> The voting results are
> Nottingham 8
> Helsinki 2
> So, FOSS4G 2013 will be in Nottingham, UK.
> To the Nottingham team:
> - The sooner you can carve your dates into stone, the better for
> promotion and planning
> - Remember that you will have to submit a budget to the Board for
> approval, and the "Official, Really for Reals Acceptance" of your bid
> is contingent on the Board formally accepting your budget and bid.
> Let's move that process forward briskly.
> To the Helsinki team:
> - You had a great bid and a wonderful venue and plan, I hope you'll
> consider bringing your preparations and research to hosting an EU
> Regional event for 2014.
> Thanks again to everyone,
> Paul,
> your 2013 RFP bid guy

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