Nobody has expressed interest in GeoTools and we are very happy where
we are with LGPL as a biz friendly license.

uDig is attempting an out reach to the Eclipse foundation, both as a
source of developer trained up in the Eclipse RCP framework which use
as our plugin system, and as we are comfortable with our connections
to the OSGeo community (by virtue of GeoTools involvement, LiveDVD

Not sure what is up with Apache, anyone know?
Jody Garnett

On 28/07/2012, at 12:28 AM, "Seven (aka Arnulf)" <> wrote:

> On 07/27/2012 11:45 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> On 27 July 2012 05:55, Alex Mandel <> wrote:
>>> This is a really interesting debate. Reading the links provided it also
>>> appears to be a mixed bag about acceptance of LGPL of various firms and
>>> I'm also sure many of us can name firms that have no issue shipping LGPL
>>> components.
>> GPL is dying, of natural causes.
>> Best regards,
> (I don't think that GPL is dying, it is still 70% on SourceForge last
> time I checked)
> The more interesting question is - what are the "natural causes"? To me
> it seems that Open Source is just not being so much under pressure from
> a FUD POV, it is wide and largely accepted making it much less prone to
> being appropriated. Therefore maybe the whole concept of Copyleft is
> just not that important any more?
> Another interesting effect is the growing interest of other
> organizations in geospatial software, currently mainly on the library
> side of things. Current example is GeoTools and GeoToolKit and Eclipse
> and Apache respectively. It seems that this is a natural result of the
> commoditization of geospatial functions and features and their
> dissemination into standard IT. In coming years we will see less and
> less distinguishable and openly competing geospatial projects but more
> and more geospatial tools become a regular part of software
> distributions. We have already seen this happen in a way with GDAL/OGR
> which is being used all over the place. Just like Oracle has a WMS
> viewer built in installing PostgreSQL already has PostGIS - and may
> eventually also ship with MapServer and FeatureServer (or whatever makes
> the race) and there is no more need for a separate installation /
> configuration. Not sure where this leads us and this is just off the top
> of my head, but might be interesting to have a conversation about anyway.
> Cheers,
> Arnulf
> --
> Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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