
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 5:58 PM, David William Bitner

> Dave,
> As indicated by Jeff and Doug, this has not been an issue at any previous
> FOSS4G event. What has been an issue has been the diversity that we have
> been able to bring into both our community and our events. We are still a
> predominantly White European/US/Canadian male community. There has been a
> lot of work done by many tech conferences to try to make sure that
> conferences are more welcoming to a more broad array of folks (the rotation
> of NA/Europe/Elsewhere is one thing FOSS4G has done). The
> anti-harassment policy follows the lead of others and pulls from the
> template provided by Geek Feminism
> http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/index.php?title=Conference_anti-harassment_policy.
> Additionally following advice from other events as well as many members of
> our community, we are making the community review process for presentation
> submission author anonymous as a concern with how we have done this in the
> past has been the fear that many folks have of feeling publicly shamed with
> critique and voting of their proposals. These are only two small steps that
> we are taking to addressing an environment in the overall open source world
> that by the numbers is very unwelcome to women and other groups (while
> there have not been any overt issues that I know of as part of any FOSS4G,
> if you look at the percentage of female conference goers or developers in
> our community, we do have a long ways to go).

Thank you for rising this interesting topic. I don't exactly know why women
(according to the numbers) prefer other fields instead of open source
software (as I am a woman and I feel comfortable in this community maybe
I'm not the right person to ask why other people don't). But I can
certainly say why many people don't (can't) join the events.. as I wasn't
able to do so as well.. Please don't take it bad, but the FOSS4G event is
bloody *expensive* to afford! I am not surprised not to see at such events
many people from developing countries, while in Europe and especially in
US, research institutions allocate more funds for missions etc.

my 2 cents


> Hope this helps understand the rationale,
> David
> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Jeff McKenna <
> jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>> DaveP,
>> There have been no specific problems at FOSS4G events but I support the
>> FOSS4G-NA's initiative for diversity and harassment-free policies.
>> -jeff
>> On 13-01-16 12:56 AM, Dave Patton wrote:
>> >
>> > David et al:
>> >
>> > I have no issue with the Harassment Policy, but I am curious
>> > as to it's origin. Is it a result of specific problems at
>> > other FOSS4G-related events?
>> >
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> David William Bitner
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Margherita DI LEO
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