Dear Johan,

Thank you for reaching out & the great idea. For what it's worth, I really like seeing cross-organization collaboration like this.

For some reason the message didn't seem to x-post to the LocationTech discussion list (at least that I can see). Hopefully this email might reach all the lists. I'll make sure the LocationTech community knows about it in any case.

I may be able to make it there myself. And I've heard good things from my colleagues who have gone to past FOSDEMs.


On 06/08/14 03:11, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
Hello everyone,

FOSDEM[1] is a free open source event bringing together about 5000
developers together in Brussels, Belgium. The goal is to provide open
source software developers and communities a place to meet to. The
next edition will take place the weekend 31/1 -> 1/2/2015.

Last edition (in february this year) both Osgeo and Openstreetmap had
a stand and there was a lot of interest in geospatial technologies.

That is why the idea was coined to organise a geospatial devroom the
next edition.

Since the call for participation for developer rooms and main tracks
is now open [2], I would like to start writing a proposal [3], so
hopefully we can have a geospatial devroom next year.

Rather than organising the devroom organised by one project FOSDEM
really prefers joint organisation "Proposals involving collaboration
across project or domain boundaries are strongly encouraged." That's
why I'm sending this mail to Osgeo, OSM and locationtech.

If you would like organising the devroom (writing the proposal and
selecting the presentations) and will be present, please get in touch
or add your name to my current draft proposal [3].

Note that one can also propose main track presentations. For main
track speakers travel expenses and accommodation will be covered by
the organisation. This is not the case for the devroom.

Finally a reminder that we are only sending a proposal for a devroom
-> We are not sure it will be accepted. Competition will be fierce.


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