Hi -

  I have been reading small bits off and on about Rasdaman, and now some 
mention of an "OSGeo EU"

In general it is often useful to extract * assumptions * away from simple 
points-of-view on these important topics.. This "assumptions extraction" is 
difficult work, because participants must a) be honest with themselves and 
others, and b) discuss the "same words" over and over, because actually, 
different people do intend quite different things, when saying common words 
like governance. So it is tedious and aggravating to try to understand when 
someone says "A" they mean A+b+c  while someone else means A+0+2+4 .. it is 
even more difficult to discuss across language barriers.. 

My contribution here is this .. that individual leadership has many, 
simultaneous functions.. a few include: to make decisions quickly, to retain 
profit, to have control of important choices both technical and financial, to 
get recoginition, to inspire and prioritize, to design and implement the 
playing field as the project moves, and others..  The "benevolent dictator" 
could be part of many or all of those, in different amounts.. 

In Free and Open Source Software, many projects do in fact retain their 
"benevolent dictator" structure, but actually, the mix and amount of those 
ingredients above, are in different proportions.  The working methods of 
decision making, and the allocation of resources and profits, are in different 
proportions than other kinds of projects. The details matter. 

In Open Source Foundations, I think it is very rare to have a single person as 
a "dictator", but it is also very important not to divide into overlapping and 
competing organizations while growing. 

I leave it to those with current decision-making authority to work this out. 
but I will say, that I believe that the "benevolent dictator" model in FOSS has 
proven to be stable and effective over time, but the details of the actual 
operations of the project, including those characteristics listed above, with 
"fork-ability" maintained, are more the tests of authenticity. It is not simply 
YES or NO for benevolent dictator, it does matter how the whole mix is 

Secondly, it is a serious mistake to divide a low-resource organization into 
parts that may compete, if the mission of the participants is true. So an 
"OSGeo EU" may be a terrible thing for the mission and for the participants, if 
done in a way that weakens the whole, or sets up competing dot-orgs over the 
long term. 

best regards to all, from Berkeley, California

Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter

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