On 8/15/2017 12:37 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
Thank you to everyone who responded!

You can see the results here:

    - http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/projects/

Just a quick observation.

"OSGEO" needs to be changed to "OSGeo" at various places
(e.g. "About OSGEO", "More About OSGEO, "OSGEO Projects" etc)
on the beta website.



    - http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/service-providers/
    - http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/resources/

I especially love the mix of individuals and firms for the service
providers - great to the faces of those making a living as part of our

If you encounter a difficulty with how the website works please check the issue
tracker <http://github.com/osgeo/osgeo/issues> to see if it has been
reported (if so add a comment) or report it yourself. .

Jody Garnett

On 9 August 2017 at 14:26, Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:

Final call for projects to fill in information for the beta website,
please have content in by Friday August 9th for inclusion in the beta
website as shown at foss4g next week.

The data collection forms are here:

    - Software Projects <https://goo.gl/forms/rBTxobMSBNGiEXnB3>
    - Service Providers <https://goo.gl/forms/FHrIeJjBtfI8e2g53>
    - Resources <https://goo.gl/forms/bzuUrsFAYEXRDVtq2>

If you have already provided your content - thank you. Please review the
result online osgeo.getinteractive.nl/projects. We can make any
corrections needed if you stop by the OSGeo booth.

A reminder that this website is open to *all* open source spatial
projects, so if your project is spatial please fill in the form to be
Jody Garnett

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