Hi. How are these pages 
(http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoForAll_Iberoam%C3%A9rica?) going to be included 
in the new website? (First: are they going to be included at all?) We need to 
make changes in it and we don't know if we can make them now or wait for having 
them inside the new one.

Thanks in advance.

Sergio Acosta y Lara
Departamento de Geomática
Dirección Nacional de Topografía
Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
(598)29157933 ints. 20329/20330
De: Discuss <discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> en nombre de Jody Garnett 
Enviado: lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017 20:33
Para: OSGeo Discussions
Asunto: [OSGeo-Discuss] website rebranding feedback on discuss email list

I hope it is okay having these website/rebranding discussion on discuss - while 
it is a key activity for our foundation we do not wish to be in the way :)

Please take feedback to the issue tracker: https://github.com/osgeo/osgeo/issues

Keep in mind:

  *   If you have a constructive idea to add into the mix, and are 
uncomfortable using discuss, please add it to the issue tracker directly.
  *   If you have a good idea that on one of these email discussion please, 
take a moment to add it to the issue tracker.
  *   There are a few section of the website still to be written/migrated.

We will not be able to revisit every design decision, but if you have a 
question please speak up.

Thanks to everyone who worked on adding content to the website at the foss4g 
code sprint, and everyone who has contributed to the issue tracker already.
Jody Garnett
Discuss mailing list

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