
— Andy

On Sep 5, 2017, at 9:20 PM, Sara Safavi 
<s...@sarasafavi.com<mailto:s...@sarasafavi.com>> wrote:

+1 from me -- I actually didn't realize Michele wasn't already a charter member!

On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 6:07 PM, Alex M 
<tech_...@wildintellect.com<mailto:tech_...@wildintellect.com>> wrote:
I second the nomination.

-Alex Mandel

On 09/05/2017 03:45 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Forwarding Michele Tobias nomination by Kristin Bott. The 2017 member
> nominations list has been updated [1].
> Best regards,
> Vasile & Jeff
> 2017 OSGeo Elections CROs
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2017
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Nominee: Michele Tobias, USA
> Nominator: Kristin Bott, USA; Charter Member 2014 / FOSS4G LOC 2014 /
> Code of Conduct Committee chair 2015-present
> I am writing to nominate Michele Tobias for OSGeo Charter Membership.
> Michele is active in the development of FOSS4G software and open data
> projects, as the lead programmer on the Literature Mapper plugin for
> QGIS, the Data Curation Lead for the UC Davis Library’s American
> Viticulture Area boundary data creation project, and an active
> contributor to OpenDroneMap. She was a founding member of the OSGeo
> California chapter and is currently a *re*founding member of the QGIS US
> users group (in collaboration with Randall Hale and Kurt Menke).
> Michele brings experience in many open source tools; in GIS (QGIS,
> GRASS, SAGA GIS), and a number of programming languages (R, Python,
> HTML, Leaflet), and database systems (SQLite, PostGRES, PostGIS,
> SpatiaLite), as well as cartography and graphic design (Inkscape),
> Photogrammetry & Aerial Photograph Interpretation, and Kite Aerial
> Photography.
> A regular presenter and/or workshop leader at FOSS4G (2017, 2014, 2011)
> and FOSS4G-NA (2016, 2015) conferences, Michele also is active within
> the OSGeo California chapter, serving on the organizing committee for
> their annual meetings (2015, 2013, 2011) as well as presenting at same
> (2016, 2011). Michele also takes her open source geospatial work outside
> of OSGeo venues, leading workshops at local (UC Davis Library, Davis R
> User Group) and statewide (California GIS Conference 2015 + 2014; GIS
> Day 2014) venues.
> Finally, the call for Charter Members "strive[s] to promote diversity".
> While the above qualifications are completely compelling in their own
> right, Michele is a woman working in education, research, and science --
> not OSGeo's predominant demographic. Additionally, Michele is interested
> in improving the diversity of both OSGeo membership and conference
> attendance; by including her as a Charter Member, OSGeo gains the
> further commitment of someone who is both technically very strong and
> also committed to building a community that is more accessible to all.
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