Hi Madi. As we are working with Secondary students in some FOSS4G projects I 
thought that there might be some opportunity to join in this initiative. I have 
a colleague in my office that had already joined GSoC twice and we were sharing 
ideas about how to be part of Google Code-In. We would like to be part of but 
don't know exactly how.

Sergio Acosta y Lara
Departamento de Geomática
Dirección Nacional de Topografía
Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
(598)29157933 ints. 20329/20330
De: Discuss <discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> en nombre de Margherita Di Leo 
Enviado: martes, 19 de setiembre de 2017 8:48
Para: OSGeo Discussions; geofor...@lists.osgeo.org; OSGeo-SoC
Cc: gsoc-adminosgeo.org
Asunto: [OSGeo-Discuss] Google Code In (GCI) 2017 just announced! And we want 
to participate

Dear Community,

great news! Google Code-in has just been officially announced [1] and we are 
excited to apply for the first time as mentoring organization! Google Code In 
is a program addressed to students aged 13 to 17.

As always, we need your help! We need mentors.
Mentors for Google code in are not necessarily top developers (they are also 
needed, but not only). Also educators, advocates, researchers are much needed, 
people that normally take care of documentation and preparation of educational 
material, that give presentations, take care of web site or wiki etc.

In fact, the tasks for google code in are supposed to take 3 to 5 hours for 
students to complete, and entail:
* coding
* documentation / training
* outreach / research
* quality assurance
* user interface

See examples here [2].

The idea is to individuate suitable tasks and submit them in the bug tracker 
with a special keyword like "beginner" or something TBD. In this way, students 
can easily find and claim the task they're interested in.

Note that the whole "how to" is to be discussed yet, for the moment, let's try 
to create a critical mass of interested volunteers.

Here [3] I created a wiki page with relevant info, instructions, timeline etc. 
Kindly take a look and if you are willing to participate, please write an email 
to gsoc-admin AT osgeo.org<http://osgeo.org>, we will send you a form to fill 
with your data. Next step: in less than one week from now we'll have the first 
kickoff meeting on IRC in the channel #osgeo-gsoc at Freenode. Everyone that 
will have filled the form will be informed about exact date and time.

Please, do participate, and bring your questions, your ideas and your energy 
with you. We don't have all the answers, but will try to figure things out 
together.. We believe that engaging the young generation will bring in OSGeo a 
breeze of innovation and fresh energy. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of 
the change!


[2] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/resources/example-tasks
[3] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Code_In_2017

Margherita Di Leo
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