Hi Guido,

Possibly somewhat off-topic, but seems pertinent to your post.

While answering a different thread on this list I looked into MapGuide a little. The main listing for MapGuide on OsGeo projects (https://www.osgeo.org/projects/mapguide-open-source/) doesn't link to their website despite that website being hosted on OsGeo: https://mapguide.osgeo.org/

There's also a lot of link-rot on that website, including to OSGeo-wide stuff (Try the OSGeo Community links on the right - several 404's) so they may need some help in maintaining/updating it.



On 2018-09-25 15:35, Guido Stein wrote:

1) Can you share what you think the goals for the Marketing Committee should be in 2019?

2) Are there any folks who would be willing to help maintain and produce current content for OSGeo website?


Hey folks,

The Marketing Committee is working on setting goals for 2019 and would like to get some feedback from the community at large. As we move forward we plan to formalize what metrics we will use to evaluate our success in reaching these goals.

Our main goals include:

- to support our internal conferences with informational materials
- to support our projects

We would also like to solicit support with keeping the website current and would appreciate any folks who would be interested in supporting this effort. If you are willing to help out, please join the marketing list and share your interest there:

Thank you for your consideration and feedback,

Guido & the Marketing Committee

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