Dear friends,

FOSS4G2019 Bucharest has in its foundation the belief that we live fortunate times having access to unprecedented technological and informational resources. For the first time in human history, we have an authentic opportunity to understand our changing environment and thus to make the right decisions for our future. True to our belief, we are launching today the EO Data Challenge, a competition inviting startups, developers, students and researchers to imagine and build valuable open source applications using large volumes of EO data and state-of-the art technologies. We are honoured to have as partners in this quest leaders from the industry and governmental and international institutions. Their valuable contribution and interest in the EO Data Challenge activities and results come to reaffirm the importance of this endeavor, which, we hope, could be relaunched in the following years.

Curious to see whom will look at your work or, even better, whom could be by your side in your challenge? Find out all the details on the Challenge webpage [1].

Warm regards,

PS Don't forget that the deadline for submitting a talk/workshop is April 15. Tic Tac.


Vasile Crăciunescu An elegant place for sharing geoKnowledge & geoData
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