Hello Community

I would like a small summary about the difference between last year and
this year:

What are the changes for 2021 from 2020?

   1. *Smaller project size** - *all students participating in the 2021
   program will be working on a 175 hour project (instead of a 350 hr
   Reasoning from GSoC administrators:

   - Currently we are missing out on many wonderful students who could
   never commit to such a huge project and time commitment but would be great
   contributors to your community. This is a significant change as we now are
   no longer strongly encouraging students to focus only on GSoC over their
   summer. Students have many other responsibilities especially during the
   pandemic that make it hard for them to spend 30 hours a week on a project.
   - We realize this is going to require all of you to think about smaller
   projects and update your project ideas.


   *2 evaluations  (instead of 3)* - There will be an evaluation after 5
   weeks and the final evaluation will take place after the 10th week. We are
   also no longer requiring students complete their first evaluation (though
   we encourage them to do so), so if a student doesn’t complete the first
   evaluation they will not automatically be removed from the program. They
   are still required to complete the final evaluation.

   *Eligibility requirements* - In 2020 there are many ways students are
   learning and we want to acknowledge that so we will be allowing students
   who are 18 years old AND currently enrolled (or accepted into) a
   post-secondary academic program as of May 17, 2021 or have graduated from a
   post-secondary academic program between December 1, 2020 and May 17, 2021
   to apply to the GSoC program.

   - What this means is that now the program will be open to folks
   participating in a variety of different academic programs, not just
   accredited university programs. This includes licensed coding camps,
   community colleges, and many other programs that may not be accredited yet
   but are post-secondary academic programs.

Vicky Vergara
GSoC Mentor since 2015


Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Salzmannstraße 44,
81739 München, Germany

Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

eMail: vi...@georepublic.de
Web: https://georepublic.info

Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9

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