Quoting Jonas Nordström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> When I try to play a newly added song, slimserver crashes with error message:
> Can't call method "bitrate" on an undefined value at D:/Program
> Files/SlimServer
> /server/Slim/Player/Source.pm line 1203.
> And a popup window saying:
> "Error loading postback: 12029".
> I tried to restart, wipe cache, reinstall, everything I could think of.
> I'm on Windows XP. Latest 6.0 nightly.
> Same error if I run slim.exe or slimserver.pl.
> All songs on this album fails.

could you please file this as a bug report at http://bugs.slimdevices.com
and attach one of the songs to the report. Please also include some details on
how you browsed to the song, and how you selected it to play (webui/playerui,e

Stopping the crash is fairly easy, so I'll make sure that gets in for tomorrow's
build, but if there is something wrong with the song itself, or scanning, that
could take a bit longer.


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