Just to Back up what Allan wrote I have a G3 imac and the HD started to whine also, I luckily did a backup and the HD went the next day.

Steven Moore
On 18 Mar 2005, at 10:02 am, BenRubinstein wrote:

Allan Hise wrote:
If your G4 cube is very noisy, either there is something seriously wrong
with the cube or your ears are way too sensitive.

A stock cube has no fans, so noise would come from your hard drive (they
can whine terribly when near death) and the optical drive can cause some
strance vibrations.

Various upgrades can add noise as well.

Yep, I was very disappointed. I think it's probably the first thing - this
is a cube that's being sitting on a shelf unused for some years. I borrowed
it to get the SqueezeBox up and rip my CDs, with a faint hope of turning it
into a really long term loan - but it is a big whiner. I don't believe it
has any upgrades; optical drive isn't silent (and is losing its grip in
terms of being able to eject CDs) but I think it's the hard disk that's at
fault. I'm about halfway through ripping my pathetic collection; I'll back
up to a firewire disk tonight in case the HD is fixing to die.

Thanks for your input. Nice to know that a cube can/should be silent; but
since this was my only shot at a free one, and they still fetch remarkably
strong prices on eBay, I'm now looking more towards Linkstation or similar.

  Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
  http://www.cogapp.com        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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