Richard Titmuss wrote:

Sorry, I should have been a little more instructive here. The rpm will install Softsqueeze in /opt/softsqueeze. Use the /opt/softsqueeze/softsqueeze command to run softsqueeze. You will also find a script to start Softsqueeze headless, and desktop icons you can copy to your desktop.

all really cool. unfortunately, this install leads to the same behavior I was seeing before -- the display darkens when I turn off power (regardless of the player settings) and I get no sound from the system when softsqueeze is on and I try to play something. I'm hoping to trouble-shoot this more when I get home tonight.

to recap (in hopes that someone who knows more than I might suggest a test and/or a fix), here's what I know:

--the current malfunctioning behavior appears to be the same as what I was experiencing earlier last week with slightly earlier versions of slimserver and softsqueeze.
--softsqueeze has functioned just fine on this system under slimserver 5.4.1, and it worked just fine for about 24 hours last week, after I upgraded to slimserver 6.0.1 and softsqueeze 2.0b3.
--softsqueeze stopped working after I installed MusicMagicMixer and reset the JAVA_HOME path
--terminal messages when softsqueeze is running include these lines:

0 [AudioDecoder-0] WARN javasound - AudioDecoder could not write buf to outputBuffer
86 [AudioMixer-0] WARN javasound - Java Sound Audio buffer underrun bufAvail=19456

(however, I don't know whether I should worry about this.)

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