I received my SB2 yesterday and had similar problems. I was going to post tonight after more investigations, but I'll piggyback here.

I'm running two wireless networks, both with Linksys APs. My SB1 has been running consistently (and, I'll say, with no drops) on an 801.11b network dedicated only to the squeezebox. The AP is on the second floor and the SB1 is in the basement. I stream FLACs with no problem.

I'd assumed that I'd pick up the same wireless connection using the SB2, but I've not been able to do that. I see the same symptoms described in the message below:

The SSID is found, and the signal strength is fine, but when
trying to connect using either WEP or no security, it fails out with the
message "Problem connecting to wireless network", or something to that

I moved the new SB2 so that it's right next to the AP, and still get the error message. However, I noticed that in the network setup routine there's an option to display current settings. I scrolled through that option, and was surprised to see that it indicated that the connection strength was at 97%. As I watched it, it bounced from 97 to 95 to 98 and then to 0. (It changed every second or so.) The numbers varied, and the 0 showed up every 5 seconds or so.

My other access point is an 802.11g. The SB2 connects to it just fine. I have another problem with syncing the SB1 and SB2 that might be related to this, but I'll raise that one in a different thread after I have more information.

At different times, the SB1 has worked just fine with the Linksys 802.11b AP (I don't have the model number here) and the Linksys 802.11g AP (WRT54GS). The SB2, so far, will work only with the 802.11g AP. So right now they're both working, but accessing different APs. I'd like them to be on the same network. (I know that bandwidth concerns might mean I'll need to switch them both to the 802.11g AP, but I'd like to try the 802.11b first.)

After writing this message I noticed this one:

What access point do you have?  The shipping firmware had troubles
with the Linksys BEFW11S4 Rev 4 router which have been fixed in the
nightly builds (updated firmware).

I saw that announcement when it came through, and I'm almost certain that I verified that that's not the Linksys AP I have. But I'll check tonight. Perhaps the problem extends to other Linksys APs?

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