I finally got the studio version of Pink Floyd's The Wall and
ripped/encoded it as FLAC, as always. The album was playing in
original order and on repeat...
The last track of disc 2 ended with someone talking, who gets cut off
rather apruptly, followed by about half a second of silence, then some
more silence at the beginning of disc 1, and more or less the same
melody continued for a few seconds.

Combined with the fact that the sb2 display is not exactly in sync
with the audio at the end of songs I first thought I was seeing things
and invalid data in the buffer, but foobar2000 does the same thing,
the last track is cut off. Is it supposed to be this way or is my rip
bad? I'm afraid my last 'real' cd player died some time ago so I can't
really check if I'm missing the last few samples.


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