I'm getting a bit desperate.
My newly rented and listed cottage has only one phone point which is
situated in the lounge, so this is where my netgear adsl wireless
router/hub/firewall is. My main computers are a floor above this at the
other end of the house. I can't run cable so all devices in the house
connect to each other wirelessly.... which means I can't currently stream
lossless files to my Squeezebox as I get lots of drop outs, so I just stream
MP3's instead.... but the quality does not make me too happy.

I have just run out of hard disk space on my two PCS. I already have hard
drives stacked up in them, sitting on top of each other. I need more disk
space. I was just about to buy two Maxtor 300gb USB 2 external hard drives
for a grand total of about 320 UK pounds......


I'm realising I may be in this rented house for longer than I originally
thought... so I want to find out if there is any way I can sort things out
so I can stream PCM to my Squeezebox.

I'm beginning to think that maybe my best solution may be some sort of box
that will hold lots of hard drives, make no noise at all... and that allows
me to run Slimserver on it.... so I can stick it next to the adsl hub in the
lounge. I would be using Windows computers to control it over the wireless
network (as it would not have a monitor and I am not Linux conversant)

Can anyone suggest a (not expensive) solution? Does it exist? I am getting
quite fed up of not being able to listen to my lossless files on my hifi.

Simon Turner
Barcombe UK

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