mherger Wrote: 
> > I'm glad you like it. If you're already running slimserver 6.1 you
> might like the AlbumReview, too.

Looking forward to that. But in fact, I recently reverted from 6.1 to
6.03 only because I could't get the biography plugin to work (I only
got the message no info could be found). 

mherger Wrote: 
> >What do you mean by "external plugin"? I almost never us it on the
> player. 

I meant it is not 'integrated' in the original package, as the
softsqueeze plugin for example. 
Funny thing is I use it on the player a lot, only because that's where
I'm sitting when the music plays. Ofcourse the server version is easier
to read, and the photos are included there too, so when I'm at the
server I use it..but mostly it's the player.

BTW - the song info (far right at the player), like Dean suggested, 
sounds like a good place to put it!

mherger Wrote: 
> Technically yes. But I don't like ticker style reading - it's always too
> fast or too slow, but never easy to read. Especially if it's more than 
> just a headline.

That's true, so I think the RSS-style reading is better for this (one
line at a time, browsing with up /down). That is how I read the
biography, in fact. I don't wait fot the ticker.

Thanks for contributing this I said, I'm really looking
forward to the album review! 
I'm always pleasantly surprised to see even the more obscure artists
showing up from 


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