I know how to do it with squeezebox1, I can make a guess with
squeezebox2. I assume you want to use flac decoding on the hardware

Create a file called 'slimserver-convert.conf' in the base directory of
your slimserver install (in the same directory as convert.conf). In this
file place these two lines:

flc flc * *
[flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed
--apply-replaygain-which-is-not-lossless=a --skip=$START$ --until=$END$
$FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian
little --sign signed --channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -

Now restart slimserver and give it a try. Again, this is just a guess
but I hope it works.

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