That last post did not get much of a reply, so I'll just post the
instructions here in plain text for all to use howerver they wish. 
Disclaimer: I have no interest in either of the companies that require
license keys!

If anyone want the instructions in another format, like pdf or rtf, 
email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MusicMagic Setup with SlimServer 6.x

These instructions provide steps to install Predixis' MusicMagic (MM)
software as a Windows system service and to automatically integrate it
with SlimServer (SS) on boot.  Once setup, MM starts automatically
before SS, and no user interaction is required to integrate the two

The instructions assume SlimServer (SS) and a SLIMP3/Squeezebox or
Softsqueeze player are installed.  The MM plugin does not work
correctly and can not be set up in Slimserver without a player (it
installs but the mixes come up blank).

This is a one time procedure. 

A. Install MM

- Install MM and allow it to fully analyze/verify all music before continuing.  
- Install license key to allow MM to run the API service 
- Do not turn on the API service at this point

B. Install's "AppToService" Program (

- Install the program and purchase license key.
- Install key under the AppToService directory with this command: 
AppToService /key:xxxxxx (for example: C:\Program Files\Basta
Computing\AppToService>AppToService /key:xxxxxx)

C. Setup MM to Run as a Windows System Service 

- Run AppToService from the Windows Program menu. It opens a DOS shell
and shows all the commands.   Enter 'q' to quit the menu and at the
command line, enter> AppToService /install "c:/program
files/predixis/musicmagic mixer/musicmagicmixer.exe" /startup:a 
/interact:1 (or equivalent, depending on where the MM program is
installed).  The AppToService program returns an acknowledgement that
MM was installed as a service.   In Windows Computer Management the
service is listed as "ApptoService musicmagicmixer."  We'll refer to
it as ATS (MM).
- Note that the "Interact with the Desktop" switch is ON
(/interact:1).  This will be turned off from Computer
Management>Services>ATS (MM)>Properties>Logon  when everything is
- Go to Computer Management >Services and ensure that the ATS (MM) 
service is started.  If not, start the service.  When started the MM
UI should open up on the desktop because of the "Interact" switch.
- Now turn on the API service in MM (File > Customize Options >
Services).  Ignore any MM error message that say can not start API
service, so long as it indicates it is started.  In any case, continue
with the instructions.

C. SlimServer Settings

- Open the Web Interface, go to Server Settings > Plugins and make
sure that the MM plugin is checked.  Now go to the main Server
Settings page and make sure that "Use MusicMagic" box is checked.  If
SlimServer does not recognized MM, that option will not be available;
if not available,  follow the next step.
- Double check in MM that the API service is running; next go to
Computer Management and stop both the ATS (MM) and SS services.  Now
first start the ATS (MM) service then start the SS service.  The order
in which the services are started is very important.
- SS should now recognize MM, as indicated by the mm next to
artists/songs, etc.  If not, again make sure that "Use MM" on the main
Server Settings page is checked (sometimes it mysteriously will not
take).   Repeat the Service Start + Stop routine if necessary, with
ATS (MM)  always started before SS.
- Once SS recognizes MM the procedure is basically complete.  Note
that SS will rescan the music library once MM is recognized.  Let it
do its thing before testing.
- Test:  Reboot computer.  On reboot MM should start and the UI appear
on the desktop.  Open SS web interface and the mm should appear next
to artists/albums, etc.  Create an Instant mix to ensure proper
- Now, turn off the Interact with Desktop setting (Computer Management
> Services > AppToService musicmagicmixer > Properties> Logon) by
un-checking  "Interact with Desktop."
- Final test: reboot one last time; check SS interface for mm; create
Instant Mix.
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