dip Wrote: 
> Ceejay
> If I separate the albums as described by you, how do I know that the
> Schubert symphony is "in real life" on the "Beethoven CD"?
> Dieter


If I wanted to find out the physical CD which a particular album
belonged to, I'd just look up the file details on one of the
songs/movements - the "location" points to the folder, which in my
model is the CD.  So, for example, I have a folder 
"G:\Musiclib\flac\classical\Assorted\Sibelius, Nielsen Violin
Concertos" which includes an album "Nielsen Violin Concerto Op 33 -
Swedish RSO - Salonen - Cho-Liang Lin"

Here is a thread from a few months ago in which I was getting some good
advice... http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=12914


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