maggior;329030 Wrote: 
> I have my Duet for less than a week and I noticed that it will turn
> itself on after a while.
> Using the controller, I'll turn it off.  Overnight or a few hours
> later, I'll walk up to it and the light on the front will be white.  If
> I fire up the controller, I have an option to turn the player on.  So it
> is like it turned itself on but didn't notify anything else.
> My receiver is connected via WiFi.  I am running the released version
> of 7.1 on Open SuSE 10.2.
> Anybody else experience this?  I see where others had the issue, but it
> was months ago.
> Thanks.


Just want to add that I have the exact same behavior on my Duet. I have
2 receivers and they both behave exactly the same.

My squeezeboxes are always connected when not in use
against my local Squeezecenter 7.1 (QNAP TS109 powered).

I have seen this behavior always on my receivers no matter what
software version they have been on, but never on my SB3 (classic).

A fix would be very nice...!!


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