andynormancx;330450 Wrote: 
> I have no idea whether what you say about the sizes is true or not. But
> the same certainly can't be said about the battery capacity.
> The iPhone has a larger battery capacity at 1400mAh compared to the SBC
> at 1250mAh. The Touch is about the same as the SBC.
> From the tests I have seen with the Touch, it can survive about 3-4
> hours on battery while using wifi constantly. And that is without doing
> any music playback.
> So to expect the SBC to last as long as that when streaming over wifi
> and playing back the music sounds like wishful thinking to me.

I saw the Iphone at 1200 and the touch at 500...I can dig out the sites
if that helps, not saying they are necessarily right, but that's what my
research found.

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