I've also never had any luck with activities... I think the concept
would work if the real remote had single buttons for things, but when
it has say an "HDMI" button, that you use to cycle thru the 4 HDMI
ports on my TV it is constantly getting it wrong, or turning off the
TV or some nonsense. My original remote has no HDMI 1 button, so there
is no way activities would ever know what input the TV is on.

I got around the needing to be in the right context (say TV or Cable
box) to use the right volume etc, but using the IR learn function. I
taught it the the volume IR code for my cable box by using the TV's
original remote. That way no mater what context I am in the volume
controls the TV. I know their is supposed to be some other way, but I
gave up and did it the hard way after hours of futzing.

You can change what page things are on in the LCD, you can push them
up and down as needed so the important things are on the first page.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 12:05 PM, radish
> roll - gybe;342099 Wrote:
>> The harmony is convoluted and complicated.  They try to force you to use
>> "activities" which work great when you start from scratch, but if you
>> want to go from watching a DVD to listening to SB or something like
>> going from listening to SB to watching cable TV, you are pretty
>> screwed.
> Why? I do this all the time. The Harmony looks at the state you're in,
> the state you're going to, and works out the steps needed. One button
> press to switch between radically different configurations, couldn't be
> easier. My wife loves it.
>> The harmony only lets you do this when you are in "activity" mode.
> You should only ever be in "Activity mode" (there really is no other
> mode). When you go through the activity setup menu you tell it what
> device controls volume and it sets it up.
>> So... on the harmony, i reprogrammed certain functions with "ir learn"
>> to control things in normal "device mode" the way i want them
>> controlled.
> You're doing it wrong. Forget the device button even exists, do
> everything via activities and your life will be _much_ easier.
>> Another note - on the harmony, why are things like "power toggle" for
>> the SB on page 3 of the LCD?
> Because you should never be using it so it doesn't matter where it is.
> You have an activity "Squeezebox" which turns on the SB3, and the amp,
> switches the inputs correctly and turns everything else off. If you
> then switch to the TV activity it turns off the SB, turns on the TV,
> and flips the amp input. Why do you need the power toggle button? You
> do need to be strict in not using any other remote alongisde the
> harmony - the whole thing falls down if it can't reliably know what
> state your devices are in. I put all my other remotes in a box a long
> time ago!
> If you can't get your head around activities (or if you want to use any
> other remote alongside it) then the Harmony is entirely the wrong remote
> for you. To me, any other remote (Pronto included) just seems too crude
> precisely because they don't have activities and the dynamic state
> transitions.
> --
> radish
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