I have a Roku Soundbridge M1001 that I had before I recently upgraded to
a Squeezebox Duet. I now have the Roku in the bedroom but had problems
with its setup recently and I get inconsistencies in the way I can
view/browse my library on that versus what I can do on the Duet.

So I'm thinking of selling the Roku (if I can) and buying another
Squeezebox player for the bedroom. I have a decent pair of Creative
speakers and like the sound from them so I think I'll keep them in the
bedroom so that probably rules out the Boom.

Would another Duet player and remote suit or would a standard
Squeezebox player be the best option? I have an iPod Touch (which I'm
also thinking of selling as I hate the iTunes software and DRM so much)
- I guess I could use this as a remote and just buy a Duet player and no
remote. Does that work well (slow boot time on the iPod from off might
be annoying)?

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